It’s that time of the year to enjoy the amazing outdoors! So get outside and try this awesome 4 point, full body workout that will help you stay on track during the summer months and also help keep that tan topped up! Try each exercise for 12 reps and repeat all one after the other – take a 1 min recovery and then repeat everything again, do this 4 times through. Squat: The king of lower body exercises, great for strengthening and shaping the butt, thighs and the core! From standing, start by pushing the butt back and down. Keep the abdominals braced and arms held out in front to help the chest stay upright, aim for a 90 degree angle at the knee. Step Up: The step up is an excellent exercise to increase balance, stability and strength in the lower body. Complete 12 on each leg Start with right foot up on bench – lift arms above head and then step left foot up on to bench. Bring the left foot back down to the floor, keeping right foot up. The right knee should be tracking the middle of the foot throughout the movement Repeat this 12 times and then change leg Inch Worm Push Up: This move really is FULL body! It trains your core muscles, helps build flexibility and strengthens the whole upper body too! Start by bring the hands to the floor, bend knees if needed. Then walk hands all the way out till they are under your shoulders, now lower the chest down towards the hands keeping the abs braced and butt squeezed. Return to the top of the push up and then walk the hands all the way back in. The Open & Close Crunch: A great exercise to train the main abs and the deep stabilizing that protect the lower back. Begin lying down on your back, lift chest and shoulders at the same time as lifting your knees towards chest. As you extent arms and legs out goes as far as you can while keeping your lower back in contact with the floor, brace your abs to help maintain this position. Author: Gareth Nock
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Meet The BloggersGareth NockGareth is a UK born fitness guru, presenter and blogger based in Toronto. He has been working in the fitness industry for the past 12 years.
In addition, he has been helping people overcome negative thought patterns and beliefs that limit them from achieving their goals. Gareth currently teaches group exercise classes and coaches small group training at Goodlife Fitness. He also works in fitness education with the Kbell Training Academy. Socialize with Gareth
Favourite Quotes Gareth Live By
Pam CondottaPam is a registered Yoga instructor, Thai Yoga Massage practitioner and Personal Trainer based in Toronto. With six years experience in the field of fitness, she specializes in working with pre and post natal clients, seniors, rehabilitation and those with specialized needs.
She believes every moment should be embraced and loves helping others live free of physical, emotional and mental limitation. She also loves to cook! You can check out her food blog recipes here. Favourite Quotes Pam Lives By
May 2020
The small print
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