Happy Spring tribe! This month's blog is all about stripping down, starting fresh and nourishing ourselves: from the inside out! ![]() "BODY" ----Inside Time to ditch the heavy starch root veggies along with our cute knit sweaters and transition to seasonal fare and flair: Go with salads and sleeveless! Salads are not your friend? Juice or blend those veggies to get them into your body. Check out this month featured detox green smoothie recipe. ![]() ----Out Remove that dry winterized skin and replace it with energized skin that demands to be touched! Try dry skin brushing. It's a fast, effective, numerous health benefits not only removes dead skin cells but also activates waste removal via your lymph nodes. Finish off your polish with a simple moisturizer like organic coconut oil. How to choose a coconut oil, best and worst brand. ![]() "MIND" Meditation need not be complicated. It's all about be present in the moment. You can find a place to just sit and be still and be aware of your breath. Or you can make it a moving meditation: go for a walk, put on your favourite music and have a solo dance party! Find time and make it fun! ![]() "SOUL" Seva: selfless work or volunteer work. Take time to give back to your community. Feel like giving back on a global scale? Add travel to your plan and volunteer abroad! Find a cause you care about or a location you're interested in visiting and do some research before you go. That's a photo of me while volunteering with Lead Adventures (http://www.lead-adventures.com) in the Galápagos Islands. Interested on Volunteering Abroad, check out the links below:
Sumatran Orangutan Society http://www.orangutans-sos.org/ Arm in Arm https://www.arminarmvolunteers.org/sri-lanka/ For Toronto Area, you can volunteer in the organizations below: The Schlifer Clinic http://schliferclinic.com/ Sick Kids http://www.sickkids.ca/CareersVolunteering/volunteering/index.html Author: Pam Condotta
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Meet The BloggersGareth NockGareth is a UK born fitness guru, presenter and blogger based in Toronto. He has been working in the fitness industry for the past 12 years.
In addition, he has been helping people overcome negative thought patterns and beliefs that limit them from achieving their goals. Gareth currently teaches group exercise classes and coaches small group training at Goodlife Fitness. He also works in fitness education with the Kbell Training Academy. Socialize with Gareth
Favourite Quotes Gareth Live By
Pam CondottaPam is a registered Yoga instructor, Thai Yoga Massage practitioner and Personal Trainer based in Toronto. With six years experience in the field of fitness, she specializes in working with pre and post natal clients, seniors, rehabilitation and those with specialized needs.
She believes every moment should be embraced and loves helping others live free of physical, emotional and mental limitation. She also loves to cook! You can check out her food blog recipes here. Favourite Quotes Pam Lives By
May 2020
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